Volunteering for disarmement process in Africa: From our sister Centre in Togo
Based in Togo, I have been an International United Nations at the United Nations Regional Centre for Peace and Disarmament in Africa (UNREC) for the past 2 and a half years.
Through my position, I have been able to conduct an assessment of the national small arms control authority of the Sudan, oversaw a trainings of trainers for the Togolese security services on maintaining law and order during electoral periods, facilitated the training of ammunition technical specialists on ammunition support to UN field operations, assisted in the organization and facilitation of numerous subregional and regional events notably on the Arms Trade Treaty and International Tracing Instrument, and took part in numerous workshops and seminars concerning monitoring and enforcing United Nations arms embargos and methods of streamlining United Nations arms control operations.
So far, my time at the Regional Centre has been rewarding. Working in a highly sensitive sector such as disarmament and arms control means I have the opportunity to work with very motivated professionals in many countries; these individuals are trying to address ever growing arms race and proliferation and its adverse outcomes.
[source: UNV]