Webinar: Supporting the Establishment and Maintenance of Gun-Free Zones in Asia-Pacific

UNRCPD to host webinar on Gun-Free-Zones, 8 to 9 June
KATHMANDU, 8 June. The United Nations Regional Centre for Peace and Disarmament in Asia and the Pacific (UNRCPD), with generous financial support from the Government of Sweden, will be hosting the first of a series of webinars as part of a larger regional project to establish and maintain Gun-Free-Zones in Asia Pacific from 8 to9 June 2022.
In 2014, Office for Disarmament Affairs published the “Guidelines – How to establish and maintain gun-free zones (GFZs)”[1], aimed at assisting national governments, local authorities as well as civil society and peacebuilding organizations in their efforts to prevent and reduce armed violence. Through this webinar, UNRCPD will support beneficiary States’ efforts by highlighting how to practically apply the guidance and its recommendations, aimed at establishing and maintaining GFZs. The goal is to promote dialogue among national and local authorities, police and communities on armed violence and safety issues share relevant, as well as sharing knowledge and skills that can serve as a vehicle to mobilize communities to participate in a wider debate about gun control and reducing armed violence. The project will also provide a platform for participants to share national experiences, exchange views, and discuss and identify approaches and measures to ensure the effectiveness of GFZs
The larger project, “Supporting the Establishment and Maintenance of Gun-Free Zones” will mainstream gender perspectives across its activities by promoting gender analysis and gender equality in the planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of GFZs. The education and training materials will also reflect the ways small arms impact women, men, girls and boys differently and explore the linkages between small arms and gender-based violence. Furthermore, attention will be given to the illegal circulation and availability of small arms for youth and other parts of societies affected by criminal and terrorist activities accompanied by gun-violence.
These initiatives are also complemented by a self-paced free online learning course on Gun-Free Zones available via disarmament education dashboard of the Office for Disarmament Affairs. .
For further information, please contact Mr. Steven Humphries of the United Nations Regional Centre for Peace and Disarmament in Asia and the Pacific (UNRCPD) at: steven.humphries@un.org
[1] https://www.un.org/disarmament/publications/more/gfz-guidelines/