UNODA – OSCE Project on Facilitating Regional Implementation of UNSCR 1540 (2004): Training for Points of Contact

The training for the 1540 Points of Contact from Central Asia States started on 28 June 2016 in Kaliningrad, Russian Federation, in the framework of the joint UNODA-OSCE project on “Facilitating the Regional Implementation of UNSC resolution 1540 (2004)”. UNRCPD and the OSCE Conflict Prevention Centre organized this three-day event in co-operation with the 1540 Committee and its Group of Experts. The training aimed to enhance the understanding of commitments stemming from resolution 1540, in particular with regarding to the role of National Points of Contact (PoC).
The welcome address to the participants by Sergey Lavrov, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation stressed that “the efficiency of the UNSCR 1540 can be guaranteed only through its full implementation by all countries”, encouraging close and constructive cooperation between all parties. The UNRCPD Coordinator of the project further emphasized that establishing PoCs and fostering their operation would constitute a solid contribution to the implementation of resolution 1540 at national, regional and international levels.
The programme commenced with an overview of the international non-proliferation regimes and instruments. It was followed by in depth, interactive discussion on national legislative and regulatory framework, enforcement of legislation with regard to export and border controls, transshipment, illicit trafficking and brokering control as well as the role of the PoCs in supporting development and implementation of these measures. In conclusion, participants visited one of the border crossing points, and had the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the work of a commodity identification center.
UNRCPD provided support for the participation of national PoCs of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Turkmenistan in this training.
The picture is kindly provided by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation.
Meeting hosted by: | |
Government of the Russian Federation |
Meeting funded by: | |
United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs (UNODA) Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) |