The In-Country Training Programme on Gender Mainstreaming Small Arms Control in Lao PDR

Vientiane, the Lao PDR, 16 July 2021 – As part of a global project in support of gender mainstreamed policies, programmes and actions in the fight against small arms trafficking and misuse, in line with the Women, Peace and Security (WPS) agenda, with funding from the European Union, the United Nations Regional Centre for Peace and Disarmament in Asia and the Pacific (UNRCPD) conducted a training on “Gender mainstreaming small arms control” targeting government officials from Lao PDR. The event was held in a hybrid format from 14 to 16 July 2021. Participants gathered in person at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Vientiane, while UNRCPD trainers and invited experts, joined the training and delivered presentations virtually.
The Webinar Series convened officials from different governmental departments and agencies, namely Defense, Public Security, Women Union, Justice, Education, Youth Union, Customs, Prime Minister Office, the National Assembly and the Small Arms Import / Export Agency, as well as experts from UN Women and UNFPA.
The hybrid training aimed to strengthen the capacity of national authorities for integrating gender-relevant considerations into relevant plans, policy and legislative frameworks, including on the collection and analysis of sex- and age-disaggregated data and to promote the meaningful participation and representation of women in this field.
The hybrid training also promoted linkages with converging agendas, such as the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Women, Peace and Security Agenda.
For further information, please contact Ida Scarpino, Regional Project Coordinator – Gender & Small Arms and Light Weapons, at the United Nations Regional Centre for Peace and Disarmament in Asia and the Pacific, via e-mail at