The study trip to New York during the UNGA First Committee: The Asia and Pacific Cohort of the UN Youth Champions for Disarmament

From 21 to 25 October, the Youth Team at ODA Headquarters, together with its regional offices, including the United Nations Regional Centre for Peace and Disarmament in Asia and the Pacific (UNRCPD), organized a study trip to New York during the UN First Committee for the UN Youth Champions for Disarmament.
The study trip to New York is a key component of the UN Youth Champions for Disarmament Training Programme. Launched in October 2023 with support from the Government of Germany, the Programme aims to empower young people to advocate for disarmament within their communities. From over 1,000 applicants representing 128 countries, 15 outstanding young leaders were selected. The Youth Champions have been participating in regional youth forums, online courses, and expert-led webinars to deepen their understanding of disarmament, non-proliferation, and arms control, as well as their connections to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Throughout the year, the Champions also designed and implemented their individual projects on disarmament, which aim to engage their local communities and transform their knowledge into action.
Led by Mr. Boyi Zhang and Ms. Elena Batani, Junior Project Advisors for Youth and Disarmament at UNRCPD and the Regional Centre for Peace, Disarmament and Development in Latin America and the Caribbean (UNLIREC), the study trip to New York gathered 10 Youth Champions from across the globe to engage with experienced professionals and present their innovative ideas for promoting youth involvement in disarmament. Among the 10 Youth Champions, 4 were from the Asia and Pacific cohort — Ms. Sangeun Noh (Republic of Korea), Mr. Safayet Zamil Nowshan (Bangladesh), Mr. Nurullo Rasulov (Uzbekistan), and Dr. Nojus Saad (Republic of Iraq). The trip included meetings, briefings, attendance at First Committee sessions, and extensive networking opportunities.

UN Youth Champions at the UN Headquarters, New York
During their briefing sessions with the UN Office for Disarmament Affairs (UNODA), the Youth Champions received presentations from the Weapons of Mass Destruction Branch, the Conventional Arms Branch, UNODA’s Regional Offices, as well as the UNODA Communications Team and Emerging Technologies Experts. They also attended a session on the First Committee, a first committee side-event of their choice, and observed a UN Press Briefing. Mr. Deepayan Basu Ray, Director of UNRCPD, provided an overview of disarmament dynamics in the Asia-Pacific region and introduced the work being carried out by UNRCPD. He also engaged in an interactive discussion with the Champions during the lunch break of the First Committee.

Mr. Deepayan Basu Ray, Director of UNRCPD, talking about the regional dynamics in Asia and the Pacific
These engagements enhanced their knowledge of disarmament, provided opportunities to connect disarmament with the 2030 Agenda, and equipped them with skills to amplify their voices effectively.
The Youth Champions also held interactive discussions with high-level officials, including H.E. Mr. Philemon Yang, the President of the UN General Assembly; Ms. Izumi Nakamitsu, the High Representative for Disarmament Affairs; H.E. Ms. Maritza Chan, the Chair of the First Committee, and Dr. Felipe Paullier, the UN Assistant Secretary-General for Youth Affairs. These discussions allowed the Youth Champions to gain insights into the expectations for future generations and provided a platform for high-level officials to hear the perspectives of young leaders in the field of disarmament. The Champions participated in a breakfast discussion with the Permanent Mission of Germany to the UN as well. This provided an opportunity to present their projects and share insights from their learning journey with representatives from the donor country.

Meeting with H.E. Mr. Philemon Yang, the President of the UN General Assembly, and Mr. Ivor Fung, Chef de Cabinet, Office of the President of the UN General Assembly.
The highlight of the trip was the successful youth side event held during the First Committee, titled “What You(th) Can Do for Disarmament: Exploration of UN Youth Champions for Disarmament Projects” This event featured two Youth Champions from the Asia and Pacific regional cohort: Dr. Nojus Saad and Ms. Sangeun Noh, who presented their individual projects on disarmament. Dr. Saad discussed his initiative on highlighting youth leveraging digital technology to promote a disarmed world, while Ms. Noh introduced and distributed an artistic children’s book she designed to emphasize the importance of trust for disarmament and international cooperation.

Ms. Sangeun Noh, talking about her individual project on disarmament during the side event
A panel of high-level officials and experts shared acknowledgment and constructive feedback on those projects, including H.E. Ms. Maritza Chan, the Chair of the First Committee, H.E. Mr. Thomas Göbel, Ambassador of Germany to the United Nations, Mr. Adedeji Ebo, Director and Deputy to the High Representative for Disarmament Affairs, and Professor Matthew Bolton of Pace University.
An informal youth networking session was organized after the side event, creating a platform to build a vibrant youth community on disarmament. This session included students from Pace University and representatives from non-governmental organisations, such as Peace Boat US and Reverse the Trend. The inclusive and diverse environment fostered dynamic exchanges, with participants sharing their experiences in youth engagement and ongoing initiatives. During this session, Mr. Safayet Zamil Nowshan and Mr. Nurullo Rasulov shared insights into how they promote public awareness through their personal projects. Mr. Nowshan organized two online seminars for his student community, while Mr. Rasulov conducted several interviews with young people engaged in promoting peacebuilding and disarmament in Central Asia, creating a social media account to share the interviews and engage with a broader audience.

Mr. Nurullo Rasulov is explaining his project during the Youth Network session
Overall, the study trip serves as a good example of meaningful youth engagement. The trip facilitated networking opportunities not only among Youth Champions and their peers but also with government and UN officials and experts in the field. Also, it created a space for youth not only to listen but also to share innovative ideas and bring to the attention of professionals and high-level officials regional disarmament challenges and initiatives. This interactive dialogue can be seen as an example of meaningful and inclusive participation. For instance, by presenting their own disarmament projects in New York, the Youth Champions further amplified their voices in the global conversation on disarmament, showing that youth can have an active role in promoting disarmament and highlighting the connection with advancing the Sustainable Development Goals.
After the study trip, Ms. Noh, as a Youth Champion from the region, also recorded a video reflecting on her engagement with UNRCPD throughout the year. In the video, she highlighted the knowledge and insights gained from participating in various activities, including webinars, meetings, the Regional Youth Forum, the One Young World Peace-Preneur Forum and the study trip to New York. She also emphasized the value of the mentorship program provided by UNODA, which offered invaluable guidance for her individual project. This video was showcased during the UNRCPD side event on October 28 at the First Committee.