Security Council Press Statement on Comprehensive Review of Implementation of Resolution 1540 (2004)
The following Security Council press statement was issued today by Council President Ramlan Bin Ibrahim (Malaysia):
On 16 June 2015, the members of the Security Council heard a briefing by the Chair of the Security Council Committee established pursuant to resolution 1540 (2004), in which, inter alia, he informed the Council on progress about the implementation of resolution 1540 (2004) and the process for its Comprehensive Review.
The members of the Security Council welcomed the presentation made by the Chair of the Committee on the process of the Comprehensive Review of the implementation of UNSC [United Nations Security Council] resolution 1540 (2004) set forth by Security Council resolution 1977 (2011). They acknowledged that this process has started on 28 April, once the Modalities [please see] for the conduct of the Comprehensive Review were approved by the Committee, and must be completed, in accordance with Security Council resolution 1997 (2011), no later than 30 November 2016. The members of the Security Council invited all Member States, relevant international organizations and appropriate sectors of civil society, including industry, to engage actively in the process, which will include, among other events, consultations, seminars and other dedicated events. Moreover, in the summer of 2016, formal open consultations of the Committee with Member States, relevant international organizations and appropriate sectors of civil society will be held at the UN Headquarters in New York City.
The members of the Security Council stressed that the Comprehensive Review of the implementation of UNSC resolution 1540 (2004) should serve our common interest of preventing the ability of non-State actors to threaten us with nuclear, chemical and biological weapons in particular for terrorist purposes.
[source: United Nations Security Council]