
Arms Trade Treaty and Implementation toolkit in Nepali

  • The Arms Trade Treaty (ATT)
  • The ATT implementation toolkit – 10 modules

MOSAIC modules translated in Laotian

  • 03.40 National coordination mechanisms on SALW control
  • 04.10 Designing and implementing a National Action Plan

MOSAIC modules translated in Nepali

  • 06.10 Women, men and the gendered nature of SALW
  • 06.20 Children, adolescents, youth and SALW

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UN Regional Disarmament Centres

Disarmament Treaties

1925 Geneva Protocol Mine Ban Convention
Antarctic Treaty Moon Treaty (Celestial Bodies)
Arms Trade Treaty Outer Space Treaty
Bangkok Treaty Partial Test Ban Treaty
Biological Weapons Convention Treaty of Pelindaba
Chemical Weapons Convention Sea-Bed Treaty
Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Treaty of Rarotonga
Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons Treaty of Tlatelolco
Convention on Cluster Munitions Treaty on a Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone in Central Asia (CANWFZ)
Convention on Environmental Modification Techniques (ENMOD) Treaty on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe (CFE)
Inter-American Convention on Firearms Treaty on Open Skies
Inter-American Convention on Transparency Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT)
Kinshasa Convention